healthy break room options in new york city

Healthy Options Help Draw New York City Consumers to the Break Room

healthy break room options in new york city

Healthy, convenient and consistent are three attributes that New York City consumers look for when deciding where to purchase snacks and beverages on the go. According to a recent survey by Vixxo, a leading facility management company, 33 percent of the 1,000 consumers surveyed said that they visit a convenience store daily, and two out of three visit a convenience store once or more every week. 

With so many individuals going to convenience stores for cold beverages and snacks as part of their daily routine, workplace break rooms must compete with the pull of local convenience stores. To draw employees to break room vending machines instead of watching them go off-site for a quick bite to eat or cold beverage, it’s important to understand what’s important to consumers who visit convenience stores. 


Based on the Vixxo study, one third of participants turn to convenience stores for healthy foods. Even more consumers would visit a local convenience store if that store offered healthy options. Rather than employees going off-site to find a healthy snack or beverage, New York City employers could offer healthy options in break room vending machines.

healthy break room options in new york city


Convenience is key. With 51 percent of survey participants using location as the main reason they went to one convenience store over another, employers have an opportunity to draw more employees to break room vending machines. Add highly desired and healthy products to break room vending machines, and the likelihood of New York City employees purchasing them increases. The opposite of that is also true. If employees don’t want the any of the options available in the break room, they will go elsewhere to find what they are looking for.


In a convenience store environment, a consistent experience builds brand loyalty. “Jim Reavey, President & CEO at Vixxo explained, “Convenience stores that offer consumers more variety and quality will command the greatest loyalty and grow their businesses.” To learn more about which products employees want to purchase, try surveying them. The results might be surprising.

Consistently offering healthy, sought-after snacks and beverages in state-of-the-art break room vending machines will create a positive and convenient refreshment experience that New York City employees can rely on day after day. For more information about adding vending machines with healthy snacks and beverages to your break room, please call Healthy Vending at 917.572.3671.