Bottled Water: It’s Healthy for You and New York City

Bottled Water in New York City

The relationship between the bottled water industry and New York City consumers has had its ups and downs. But recent news from the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) is good news for everyone. A recent study found that bottled water now has the lowest water footprint of all packaged drinks, using a total of 1.32 liters of water, including the 1 liter of consumable water, to produce a 1-liter bottle product.

Environmental Impact

To decrease the amount of water used, the amount of energy spent, and the amount of plastic materials needed for the production of bottled water, the bottled water industry has developed new and innovative ways to decrease the number of resources spent. According to the IBWA, some of the changes include:

  • “Auditing total water use at bottled water facilities,
  • Reducing groundwater extraction through improved water processing and bottling processes,
  • Looking for leaks in all of their piping and tanks,
  • Planting drought-resistant vegetation at bottling facilities,
  • Reminding employees to be good stewards of the environment and encouraging water conservation,
  • Implementing water use restrictions at their facilities,
  • Implementing ultra-efficient cleaning methods inside plants to reduce water usage when cleaning reusable 3- and 5-gallon bottles for water coolers used in homes and offices,
  • Reducing the use of cleaners when sterilizing water pipes, storage tanks, and finished products,
  • Managing water withdrawals in a manner that ensures the long-term viability of the watershed, [and]
  • Using hydro-geological evaluations on springs to assess any potential impact on local groundwater levels and stream flows.”

The result is an industry that uses fewer natural resources, creates less waste, and produces one of America’s most purchased packaged drinks. As Jill Culora, IBWA’s vice president of communications, said, “consumers who are drinking bottled water instead of other packaged drinks are making a healthy choice—and also reducing the impact on the environment.”

Bottled Water in New York City

Health Benefits

Water offers multiple health benefits to those in New York City who drink it. According to the Centers for Disease Control, water helps to regulate body temperature, lubricate and cushion joints, and protect the spinal cord. Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH, RD, LD, the director of nutrition at WebMD, writes that water keeps our body hydrated which helps all of its systems to function properly, decreases muscle fatigue which can contribute to poor performance, and helps skin to stay hydrated and healthy.

Unfortunately, most of us don’t drink nearly enough water to make up for the water that we lose every day, which can lead to dehydration. Side effects of dehydration include lack of energy and fatigue. To combat dehydration, the Mayo Clinic recommends that men drink about 13 cups or 3 liters of beverages per day, and women drink about 9 cups or 2.2 liters per day. Additionally, researchers at the University of Illinois determined that the more water a person drank, the fewer overall calories that person consumed. For most individuals, a decrease in calories, even by a small amount, can positively impact long-term health.  

Do your New York City employees or students enjoy water as a pick-me-up during the day? If so, be sure to include bottled water in the office break room or school lunchroom vending machine. For the ultimate employee bonus, consider covering part or all of the cost of healthy vending machine snacks and beverages.

For more information about customizing your current vending machine options, or adding new healthy vending machines to your office break room or school lunchroom, contact Healthy Vending at 917.572.3671.

New York City, Choose Healthy Snacks and Beverages in 2018

Healthy Snacks and Beverages in New York City

Deciding to “go healthy” is a lot easier than it once was as healthy snacks and beverages can be found almost everywhere from the corner store to the office break room vending machine. While the definition of “healthy” varies from person to person, the availability and variety of choices New York City consumers have to choose from keeps expanding. Recent research by Grand View Research, Inc., a market research and consulting company, projects that “the global organic food and beverage market is expected to reach USD 320.5 billion by 2025.”

Now, that is a lot of healthy snacks and beverages to choose from!

The challenge is finding one’s way through all of the choices. Two of the largest projected segments New York City consumers will be looking for include non-GMO products and organic fruits and vegetables. To be able to make an educated decision, it is important to understand what organic and non-GMO mean, and the benefits of purchasing not only organic fruits and vegetables but also products made from organic fruits, vegetables, and grains.

What does non-GMO mean?

Before understanding non-GMO, it is important to know what GMO means. The Non-GMO Project, a nonprofit organization, writes that “genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are living organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering. This creates combinations of plant, animal, bacteria, and virus genes that do not occur in nature or through traditional crossbreeding methods.” So, a non-GMO product is a product that is grown or made without any GMOs.

Ongoing research continues to find evidence that connects GMOs to health problems, environmental damage, and violation of farmers’ and consumers’ rights. However, there have been no long-term studies completed that examine whether or not consuming GMOs is actually safe. At this point, it is up to the individual New York City consumer to make their own decision about GMOs.

Healthy Snacks and Beverages in New York City
What does organic mean?

For any type of food to be labeled organic, it must have been grown or farmed without the use of artificial chemicals, hormones, antibiotics or GMOs. Different rules apply to growing crops (grains, fruits and vegetables) versus raising animals. Per NSF International, crops are to be “grown, handled and processed without the use of pesticides or other synthetic chemicals, irradiation, fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or bioengineering [GMOs].”

One of the primary benefits of choosing organic grains, fruits, and vegetables, or healthy snacks and beverages made from them is the lack of pesticides, which have been proven to be harmful to humans. The adverse health effects of pesticides include: cancer, immune or nervous system damage, increased risk for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, fertility issues, depression,  ADHD in kids, and respiratory problems.  

Unfortunately, organic fruits and vegetables are not always readily available when New York City consumers are on-the-go. A great way to help your employees have access to organic choices when fresh produce isn’t available is to offer organic snacks and beverages in the office break room vending machine. Refueling and/or re-hydrating plus a healthy choice equals a win for everyone.

It’s time to create more winning opportunities in your office break room. Whether you’d like to add more healthy snacks and beverages, offer Free Vending, or completely overhaul your current vending machine selections, Healthy Vending can help. Call us at 917.572.3671 to get started.