What was your favorite food or drink trend in 2016? Did you try kale or black raspberries? Both were on 2016’s top trends’ list. In 2017, we will see new trends in addition to some old ones from 2016 such as exploring new ways to decrease food waste and trying new-old foods. Mintel, a global market intelligence agency, recently published a report outlining 6 trends that will influence the global food and beverage market in 2017.
Plant Life
In 2017, plants will play a starring role in food and beverage choices. With the growing focus on health and wellness, New York City consumers are searching for products that will contribute to health-related goals. Multiple individuals are adopting natural, nourishing, and adaptable diets that prioritize fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and botanicals. Rather than a complete dietary change, though, vegetarian and vegan products are only eaten occasionally. Consuming more plant-based products to improve one’s health will create an opportunity for growth for companies who manufacture healthy snacks, beverages, or meals with plant-based ingredients.
Historical Inspiration
Craft, artisan and homemade are favorable terms that describe a food or beverage’s story and create an emotional connection. As the world changes at a swift pace, consumers look to traditional foods from their heritage to provide safe and trustworthy experiences. Companies that are willing to develop new products will find interested consumers. Jenny Zegler, Global Food and Drink Analyst at Mintel, described it best when she connected traditional foods to the future. “The trust in the familiar does not eliminate the need for innovation; instead, it [emphasizes] the opportunity for manufacturers to look to the past as a dependable source of inspiration.”
Accessible Nutrients
As individuals in New York City realize that an unhealthy diet contributes to an increase in health problems, they begin searching for healthier options. The lack of cost-friendly and healthy choices requires a variety of solutions. Lowering the price of healthy foods, creating apps that help consumers locate affordable produce or meat, and decreasing food and beverage waste by finding other ways to use it are just a few of the approaches that have increased access to healthy food.
Missing Valuables
Food waste is an issue that should be addressed from multiple angles. Rather than disposing of them, “ugly” or imperfect fruit and vegetables are sold at lower prices as well as use to create new recipes. Companies are altering supply chains to decrease the amount of wasted food, and addressing packaging as the type of packaging can impact spoilage.
Functional Relaxation
Just as consumers use energy drinks during the day to boost energy, there are now healthy snacks and beverages such as chamomile tea that help consumers relax at night. By combining the use of daytime functional beverages with the familiarity of night-time beauty products such as creams and serums, companies hope that New York City consumers will easily make the jump to nighttime functional foods and beverages. Teas, cereals, and athlete recovery products are already available to help the user fall asleep, avoid middle of the night cravings, and recover from athletic activity while asleep.
Fast & Slow
Time is a precious commodity, especially when it comes to meal preparation. Depending on the time of day, consumers either demand fresh, nutritious, and on-the-go food, or “slow,” time-intensive foods that are already partially prepared. Time of day and the day of the week are the key criteria for deciding if the meal or healthy snack must be fast or slow. For example, breakfast foods should require little or no preparation, but weekend meals can require more prep and cooking time. Depending on the product, companies will need to include “specific time-related claims” to appeal to consumers.
Which trends will your New York City students and employees gravitate toward in 2017? Will they look for healthy snacks and beverages with a twist of history or ones that are plant-based, fresh and full of nutrients? Contact Healthy Vending at 917.572.3671 for more information.