Millennials are Changing America’s Eating Habits for the Better


Millennials are doing many things differently from their predecessors, especially in New York City. One of the biggest changes is their food choices. This should not be surprising, though, considering the lifestyle of millennials is very active. They are constantly on-the-go, squeezing as much as they can into a small amount of time. In a recent, nationwide survey by the Private Label Manufacturers Association, they discovered millennials’ love for food. Healthy foods and prepared, portable foods were at the top of their lists.healthy snack options new york city

The study included 1,838 shoppers between the ages of 20 and 29. Of the shoppers, 931 were women, while 908 were men. As one of the biggest surveys PLMA has commissioned in the United States, it’s probably one of the most accurate. The demographic group represents about 15% of the total population (roughly 50 million Americans).

According to the study, half of the consumers do not have a set schedule for meals. More than half like to snack throughout the day (62%) and take breaks to eat when they’re hungry (56%). In fact, sometimes they’ll snack more than have actual meals, such as lunch. Various reasons for snacking rather than eating included the following: planned on eating later and needed something to hold them over, rushed, or simply too busy. In fact, many ate on the go, while working, or in the car.

Millennials are also very loyal, especially when it comes to their food source. For instance, nine out of 10 regularly grocery shop in only one or two stores. A slim 3% shop at four or more. In addition, they visit their food store a minimum of once a week. They will also spend 30 minutes to an hour each time they shop.

The study refers to millennials as a “generation of nibblers and experimenters,” which seems to be an accurate summary. They love to shop at farmers markets, kiosks, push carts, and food trucks. Whether they eat at home or away, a full meal or small snacks, nearly all of them want fresh food. 35% desire fresh baked bread, while 48% search for fresh raw vegetables or green salads. Furthermore, 57% of them almost always reach for fresh fruits.

Access to fresh food is important to millennials for several reasons. For 42%, it’s healthy. That’s why they choose healthy foods. But others eat healthy food for pleasure (36%), nutrition (39%), and energy and stamina (34%). They’re also strongly opposed to certain products in their food. One in four say it’s important to avoid high fructose corn syrup, as well as GMOs, hormones, and antibiotics. As a result, millennials are aware of their ingredients in food. Three of four read labels on products for nutrition reasons, while nine out of 10 are aware of the ingredients in the food products they eat. An overwhelming 86% are aware of brands and 73% say they’re aware of the makers or producers of their food.

Food is equally sacred as it is embedded into their everyday lives. They are always snacking or eating on the go, but recognize its importance in different settings. While food is important for sustaining them through the work day, it has to fit in with their schedule. The schedules of millennials is already fast-paced. As a result, they want the energy to keep going, while also enjoying something fresh. Millennials are changing the way America eats, but in a healthy way.

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Healthy Food is Trending in New York

healthy food vending machines new york citySnacks are being redefined for many consumers here in New York City. The “war on sugar” has made decent progress, as consumers become more aware of the content in their food. In fact, Euromonitor International, a global market research company, presented new research at a London press briefing, which was called, “No Sugar Please: How Snacks are Being Redefined.”

John George, an ingredients analyst at Euromonitor, said that the “demonitization of sugar inevitably created a change in the type of ingredients used in snacks.” In a recent survey by Eoromonitor, 47% of global respondents actively search for food with limited or no added sugar. The presentation in London showed a 5% increase in “conventional” snacks, but 7% increase in healthy snacks in 2015-2015. Healthy snack growth can be attributed to “Western Europe and North America,” Jack Skelly, a food analyst at Euromonitor International noted. The “emerging trend” for healthier food has “increased by $10.8 billion from 2011 to 2016,” he said. In fact, Shelly said, it “could transform the food industry.”

The upcoming trend for healthy food has also led to new packaging healthy vending machines new york citysizes. Consumers are more aware of ingredients in food production, which also makes them more cautious in their choices. “We’ve seen an increasing polarization of pack sizes in conventional snacks, as larger formats are marketed for shared consumption,” said Karine Dussimon, senior packaging analyst at Euromonitor. “The aim of these new formats are to convey greater portion control and lower the guilt of buying a treat while still boosting impulse purchase,” she added.

People are also more aware of what’s considered a healthy weight. Healthy weight, Ewa Hudson, head of health and wellness research at Euromonitor said, is correlated with the “prevention of diabetes and other diseases, so minimizing sugar and calorie intake is high on consumers’ agenda.”

In other words, more information to the public has led to a bigger shift in food consumption. In particular, consumers have been making healthy choices. Euromonitor predicts an increase in new products within the snacking market. The demand for healthier food has grown, so products that will meet that demand will certainly excel.

Euromonitor’s presentation is only a small peek into the future. Consumers want healthier foods because they’ve become more knowledgeable. This knowledge, thanks to Western Europe and North America, has led to a larger demand for healthy food options. The transformation of snack sizes and types comes as no surprise, then, especially as the trend continues to grow.

If you are looking for healthy options for your breakroom, call 917-572-3671  today for a free, no obligation consultation, where we can help you with your breakroom needs.